R-RTP (-HC) Refrigerant Recovery Unit

Refrigerant Recovery unit
RTP refrigerant transfer pumps are suitable for both continuous and intermittent operation.
They are intended for extracting refrigerant fluid from tanks or large refrigeration units that have been decommissioned or are in need of repair, near which the pump is normally installed, and for transferring the recovered fluid to appropriate recovery tanks.
A further application involves the high-speed recovery of refrigerant fluid from a circuit/tank to a storage tank.
Extraction occurs at the vapor pressure of the fluid at environment temperature.
Delivery is performed at a pressure such that the refrigerant remains in a liquid state throughout the pipeline just before the point of use, preventing the vapor bubble formation.
This condition is essential for the proper operation of vacuum and charging machines.
Click here to see the R-RTP (-HC) Refrigerant Recovery unit details.
Tel. +39 0564 957385
VAT: IT 00871960522 • REA GR 85796
FT S.r.l. "Future Technologies"
Via delle Sorgenti, 5
58033 Castel del Piano GR ITALY